The need to easily share data, controlling security, and easily manage all the devices on a network are all common among every one of todays modern business. The best way to meet all of these needs is a serverWhat is the purpose of a server, you might ask. “Servers perform functions ranging from file storage and managing printers to offering database services. Large companies often maintain individual servers dedicated to one task, such as email,” –  Houston Chronicle. A server is a system that runs software designed to accomplish all of these tasks, and more. Sometimes a server wilrun programs that all the workstations on a network will log into and access. Simply stated, a server is the hub in a business’ day-to-day operations 

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With kids back to school there are a lot of things to worry about. Getting them to class in time, making sure they have something to eat, and their homework is in their backpack. Unlike in our youth, kids have technology at their fingertips and are quick to explore the cyber world on their phones, but are they staying safe?

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