With kids back to school there are a lot of things to worry about. Getting them to class in time, making sure they have something to eat, and their homework is in their backpack. Unlike in our youth, kids have technology at their fingertips and are quick to explore the cyber world on their phones, but are they staying safe?

“Cyber security is the state or process of protecting and recovering networks, devices, and programs from any type of cyberattack.” – Norton. With cyber crime on the rise, (learn more here –> The Ping: State of Cybersecurity) making sure your kids are staying safe is a must!
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so we’d like to share some do’s and don’ts for not only your children, but safety practices you can also adhere to and share. Following these easy steps can help prevent you from becoming a victim of malware attacks:
- Always keep your kid’s phone operating system (OS) and Apps up to date. New features and security updates are rolled out all the time.
- Only allow them to purchase/download apps from the manufacturer’s designated “store”
- This is particularly important for Android, as Apps can be installed by clicking internet links. If you want to use an app, search for it in Google Play.
- Make sure they install anti-malware and keep it updated!
- Especially if they have an Android device!
- Have them turn on face recognition/thumbprint for screen lock security; passcodes are easy to crack or “visually steal.”
- A short automatic lock out time of one to two minutes can help make the lock more effective.
- Nowadays, most kids have Bluetooth earphones or other devices. Have them check their settings and make their device non-discoverable as often as possible.
- Go through their “Security Settings” and spend the time to get familiar with what you can turn on and off including location tracking.
- Passwords: make your passwords complex and change them often.
- For more information on how to make a complex password, check out our article The Ping: Security in Public Places
- Consider using 2FA for their sensitive data apps.
- Learn more here → The Ping: 2FA
- Protect them in the event they lose their phone, or have it stolen:
- Backup device often and enable remote wiping functionality (cloud backup or hardwired).
- Consider enabling a SIM card lock.
- Never use a jailbroken/rooted phone. The main concern here is the lack of security updates. It’s like buying a car or a house without locks on the doors.
- Don’t access your confidential information on a public WiFi. Consider a personal VPN if they will often be connected to public WiFi hot spots.
- Don’t reuse passwords for multiple apps!
Some of these items may seem tedious, but it’s helpful to keep not only yourself but your children safe in this modern world. Have questions about some of these settings? Feel free to give us a call!
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