So, now that you’ve made the decision to switch to VoIP, you’ll need to compare the details of your current phone configuration with the new phone configuration. Here are a few of the key issues to address with your vendor:
Connection Type
While a coax connection has always been the less expensive route, fiber has come a long way in lowering its costs. If you’re in the Central Texas area, coax connections have become saturated. The more Austin grows, the more businesses are adding Internet. That amount continues to be shared across the city, but with more and more users. Since this is NOT a dedicated (to you) connection, this can cause Internet traffic to slow and potentially make your VoIP connection less clear. With hosted VoIP, you will want your connection to your host smooth and fast. Remember, hosted providers can boast about their connection and multisite locations as a sellingpoint, but it is only as fast and as efficient as the connection YOU are using to get there!
So you’ve decided to entertain the notion of VoIP (Voice over IP). Now comes the difficult part – the decision making. From a phone vendor’s point of view, their goal is to make a sale. With that being said, we unfortunately live in a world where you come across phone vendors who will say whatever they need to say in order to achieve that goal. Here are some of the things you need to be aware of so you don’t get hoodwinked into making the decisions that don’t work best for your company.