Malicious software is tricky and sometimes, these critters get through all your layers of protection. However, did you know that the Vipre team will remove any malware that has gotten into your computer for free? All you need is a valid subscription to VIPRE and their team of malware removal specialists will get the bad guys out. Just go online and fill out the support form and a member of Vipre’s Malware Removal Team will get back to you right away. This service is included free of charge with your Vipre subscription.
Please be aware that the cold affecting the state has caused a statewide power emergency. In Austin this means that there will be rolling brownouts. Austin Energy is shutting down small sections of their grid for 10 minutes at a time.
Please remember to save your active documents as much as possible. You could be affected by a brownout at any time.
If you do lose power give us a call as soon as power is restored and we’ll help you get everything back up as quickly as possible. We can be reached at 866-832-6209.