In light of recent world events, it’s more important than ever to remain vigilant in regard to Cybersecurity.  Numerous online threats and scams are, and will continue to be, on the rise.  As I’m sure you have heard the warning before, but it always bears repeating, do not open emails or links from unknown sources, this also goes for voice calls and texts.  

REMEMBER!  UniVista Support Agreement includes cybersecurity training.

Stay alert to the following…

Potentially Fraudulent Situations may involve:

  • Phishing Emails. Be wary of faked logos with links going to fake pages asking you for information.  For example: an email coming from PayPal that something just seems off on… this often has a “from” that does not follow typical company email naming conventions.  e.g. something like;  Legitimate sites will not send you emails asking you for personal information, like logons and passwords outside of their legitimate platform. 
  • Spear Phishing. Cybercriminals will use easily available online information, like social media pages and company websites to harvest personal information to make fake corporate emails look legitimate. Then cybercriminals target individuals within the organization using those specific names, titles, along with familiar emails or phone numbers, making it look like the email came from within the organization and is a legitimate request.
  • Whaling Emails. This form of contact also uses public information to get details regarding a high level manager or corporate CEO, then uses a similar email to theirs to make a request like “take a look at the attachment”.  Be on the alert for abnormal requests.
  • Vishing and/or Smishing. This technique is used in the form of a voice call,
    Phishing: Don’t Fall For It!
    typically during stressful times of the day, where the recipient is requested to take certain actions or give specific personal information. Similarly, a text version (Smishing) with a link can also be sent requesting an action be taken. A popular example of both forms is callers or texters pretending to be the Internal Revenue Service.
  • Angler Phishing. Popular on social media platforms, in this scenario a cybercriminal will use direct messaging or fake notifications to encourage an unsuspecting individual to take action. These typically include links that take individuals to malicious websites.

It’s important during these heightened times to remain vigilant against potential cybersecurity threats.  If something seems “off” and your “Spidey-senses start tingling”, even just a little, don’t do it. Unfortunately, stressful or challenging times for honest people are when most opportunistic cybercriminals attack. 

Remember, your UniVista Support Agreement includes cybersecurity training.  If you’re unsure and need a refresher, or you have new employees that require training please let us know.  If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your UniVista Account Representative.